
Editorial Policy

Iqbaliyat is an annual bi-lingual journal (Urdu and English), Peer reviewed, and ISSN research journal in Iqbal Studies, Comparative Literature and Philosophy. It publishes articles, research notes and book reviews relating to Iqbal studies Comparative Literature, Philosophy, Culture and Religion. Since the Institute conducts research in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary way and we invite articles from various allied disciplines of Iqbaliyat to broaden the understanding/knowledge about literature, philosophy and social sciences.

The submissions sent for publication must not have been published elsewhere or are under consideration for publication.

The submissions sent for publication must fulfil the due academic research standards.

The Editorial Board has the right to make necessary editorial corrections in the articles after having the consultation with the author.

The Institute does not necessarily subscribe to the views of the author of the article/submissions and their sole responsibility lies with the author.

The Institute may welcome the suggestions from our scholars and readers across the country and abroad regarding improvement of academic quality of the journal.

Ethical Policy

The journal follows its publication ethics and only those submissions are published which are authors’ original contributions and undisputed in terms of plagiarism/ data use. The Peer Review Committee is trusted to review the submissions as per the established academic standard for publications laid down by the university.